Tuesday 25 September 2012

Near Miss

Liz is back! Not at full power, yet, but back among the land of the living - literally. Two inflamed discs, resulting in kidney failure and pneumonia confined me to hospital for just aboiut two months.  I am told I was on the list as a late blogger but confounded the fates by recovering. Now, I have no wish to bore or drive away any of you who remembers and enjoyed previous blogs so that is as much information as you have  to put up with. Naturally, many funny and bloggable stories came out of the experience but I think I may need another day or two before I can muster enough concentration to write my usual screed.

But I'll give you one example. Where I was incarcerated in an Intensive Care Unit, I was facing a very beautiful blue screen which was behind the nurses' station. Looking at this screen afforded comfort and reassurance. At night, the colours changed and there was movement as if of birds and butterflies. In a lucid moment, I told  daughters number one and two about this phenomenon. They found it very hard to believe and asked a passing nurse. Nothing moved . Nothing changed. It was all in my imagination. Whatever it was I was on began to seem rather desirable to them. Anyway, back \I am. I feel I may need to rename the blog 75 going on 85, and even had another birthday yesterday to strengthen the anomaly.  PLEASE, do watch out for my posts and resume your fidelity and do be in touch so I know you are still there after what the lovely Guru so aptly and in just the right tone called the break in transmission. Prynhawn da.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back, Liz!!! Looking forward to more of your wonderful stories!